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Dancing Goat Rickhouse

Cambridge, WI

Dancing Goat Rickhouse


Sketchworks Architecture LLC


8,750 ft²


The Dancing Goat Rickhouse is a five-story, wood-framed Rickhouse designed to age 7,800 53-gallon barrels of spirits. The construction of the rickhouse took place simultaneously to an expansion went onto the nearby Distillery. The building, which is not heated or cooled, is the first of its kind for aging spirits in Wisconsin. The aging process of the finest quality distilled spirits relies on natural ventilation provided through windows. In keeping the rickhouse true to its name like those in the south, southern pine, cedar, and white oak were milled and brought up from Kentucky for the frame and racking.

See what sets it apart


This is Wisconsin’s first wood-rack-supported building for storing distilled spirits for aging. The rickhouse keeps with tradition and is true to its name. Similar to structures in the south, this Cambridge, Wisconsin, facility features southern pine, cedar, and white oak. Milling takes place in Kentucky, followed by transportation to Wisconsin for the framing and racking.


  • Class 1 Div 2 rating
  • Class 1 Div 2 fire alarm system
  • VESDA system (Air Aspiration Detection Early Warning System)
  • Lightning protection system


Dancing Goat Distillery Addition

Dancing Goat Rickhouse

Bringing their expertise to the table we were able to effectively deal with the very few issues that arose during construction and come in on time and under budget on multiple projects in multiple locations. Integrity starts from the top down and does not lapse on any level in this organization.

Nick Maas

Vice President of Distilling and Innovation,
Dancing Goat Distillery,
Cambridge, Wisconsin

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